Birds of Southeast Asia Large format A2 sized prints
A2 size
2 poster designs of different birds.
220gsm Maple Bright. 4C printing.
The only tribute to SE Asian birds print available in the market.
1: Maleo, Philippines Eagle, Flame-breasted Fruit Dove, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Bornean Bristlehead, Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, Red-napped Trogon, Jambu Fruit-dove, Ashy Woodpecker, Red Bird-of-Paradise, Celestial Monarch, Sulu Bleeding-heart Dove, Azure-breasted Pitta, Visayan Broadbill, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Spotted Wood Owl, Bali Myna, Great Argus, Buffy Fish Owl, Bornean Peacock Pheasant, Palawan Peacock Pheasant.
2: Standardwing, Malayan Crested Argus, Giant Ibis, Bornean Ground Cuckoo, Jerdon's Baza, Vietnam Pheasant, Philippines Scops Owl, Sumatran Trogon, Mountain Serpent Eagle, Large Frogmouth, Blue-headed Racquet-tail, King Bird of Paradise, Crested Patridge, Wilson's Bird of Paradise, Black and red Broadbill, Gurney's Pitta, Helmeted Hornbill, Black Palm Cockatoo, Crimson Sunbird, Black and buff Woodpecker, White-fronted Falconet